JobKeeper Action Plan
Critical Dates
Now - Register your interest Now - Prepare employee nomination notices 20 April 2020 - Enrolment for JobKeeper opens (deadline for April payment is 30 April 2020) 30 April 2020 - Pay employees for JobKeeper for fortnights ended 12 April and 26 April 2020 - Receive completed employee nomination notices for first two fortnights 4 May 2020 - Application for first JobKeeper payment open First week of May - First round of payments commence to eligible employers
My Business is eligible for JobKeeper. Now what?
Step 1. Register your interest and subscribe for updates. You can do that here.
Step 2. Notify your employee/s that you are intending to claim the JobKeeper Payment and check they aren't already claiming it through another employer Notice.
Step 3. Continue to pay at least $1,500 to each eligible employee per JobKeeper fortnight (the first JobKeeper fortnight is the period from 30 March to 12 April which must be paid by 30 April).
Step 4. Enrol for the JobKeeper payment via the ATO Business Portal or your tax adviser. Provide bank details and estimated number of employees. See below 'How do I setup and access the ATO Business Portal' for more information.
Step 5. Complete the JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice and provide to employees. Click here to access the JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice (PDF) Click here to access the JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice (DOCX) Keep completed notices on file for reference and send a copy to us, your accountant.
Step 6. Apply for the JobKeeper payment via the ATO Business Portal or your tax adviser and identify eligible employees. See below 'How do I enrol and apply for JobKeeper' for more information.
Step 7. The ATO will pay you the JobKeeper payment for all eligible employees after receiving your application.
Step 8. Each month, complete your monthly JobKeeper Declaration report via the ATO Business Portal or your tax adviser, to reconfirm that your reported eligible employees have not changed. Use the Business Portal or your registered tax agent. You do not need to retest your reported fall in turnover, but you will need to provide some information as to your current and projected turnover and any changes in eligible employees.
How do I setup and access the ATO Business Portal?
Step 1. If you dont already have one, you will need a myGovID. This can be obtained by dowloading the myGovID onto your smart device. Please note this is different to a myGov Account. For more information on the myGovID, click here.
Step 2. Once you have your myGovID, you then link it to your business ABN in RAM (Relationship Authorisation Manager). Click here to access RAM. RAM is an authorisation service that allows you to act on behalf of an entity with participating online services.
Step 3. Once your ABN is linked, you can start setting up and managing authorisations. When you authorise someone they’ll receive an authorisation request via email to act on behalf of your entity online.
Lodge via your tax agent or BAS agent
Alternatively, your tax agent or bookkeeper can lodge your JobKeeper information via their ATO Online Services Portal.
How we can assist:
If you need help with the JobKeeper subsidy, we will be assisting our clients in:
assessing eligibility,
the enrolment process,
the application process,
monthly JobKeeper reporting,
recording pays in payroll software,
other ad-hoc queries.
For our time in this process we can offer a fixed fee for some or all of these steps.
If you would like Transcend Accounting to help you with the JobKeeper process, please send an email to and we will call you to schedule a phone appointment.