2018 Tax Return Lodged?

The deadline for lodgement of 2018 year business and personal tax returns is on the horizon. If you are lodging yourself, it is already late, the ship has sailed. If you are lodging with us as your Registered Tax Agent returns can be due as late as May 2019 depending on your lodgement history and return type.
We have already lodged 73% of tax returns across our client base and of the remaining 27% most returns are already in progress.
If you are yet to provide your business or personal taxation records to us, now is the time to act. There are only 8 weeks left before the final due dates are upon us. We cannot guarantee your return will be lodged by the due date if records are not available to us before the end of this month, March.
Send us an email or call us today on (07) 3446 5906 to book your appointment.
To help with gathering your records please click here for our 2018 year tax return checklist.
Lodge on time and avoid any unnecessary penalties!